We all know that blogging can be an enjoyable way to earn a living online and that the profit potential is huge. Unfortunately many bloggers are disappointed at the measly sum of money they manage to make for all their efforts. The income of the average blog is a long way off what most of us dream of.
In this article then I'd like to discuss how you can take your existing blog and significantly increase your profits as quickly and easily as possible.
The biggest secret to understand is that every blog is unique. Factors such as the niche you are in, the theme you have chosen, the affiliate programs available to you and so on can all have a very genuine effect on the profits you generate.
So while general rules for monetization are better than nothing, it is important to realize that for best results you really have to do your own testing to see which ways of making money from a blog work best for you.
There are a number of elements to test...
Firstly, some affiliate programs will make you more money than others. You may find, for example, that certain products appeal more than others to your visitors. You can even find that two websites selling the *same* product can have wildly varying results. So finding out which products sell best and which affiliate programs generate the highest responses are a key element to this monetization process.
Secondly, once you have products that sell and affiliate programs to convert, you need to test out the different ways to promote them. Again, some banners will generate more clicks than others. In some markets text links may get more clicks than banners, and so on. So you are also looking at which adverts send the most people possible to the affiliate programs that have been proven to work.
And finally, different positions on your blog will have different results. For example, does an advert at the top of the page get more clicks than one at the bottom of the page? Will an advert actually in the middle of an article get more clicks than either the top of the bottom?
So in short you need to test a variety of affiliate programs, a number of adverts and a range of advertising positions to see what combination brings you in the most profit.
So how do you do this "split testing" process?
There are typically two ways to do it. The first of these is to set up a spreadsheet to track changes and then manually make changes to your blog. Move an advert up and see what the results are. Move it down and watch again. And so on. It works, but it takes a lot of time and a lot of manual labor. The process can take months when you take into account all the variables you really need to test if you're going to do this process properly.
However there is also a tool that will do all this for you. With the tool you simply tell it what adverts you want it to test in which positions for which affiliate programs, then you set it running. The tool does makes all the changes and tracks all the results. Then all you need to do is to look at the statistics area some time later to see which combination brings you in the most money.
Once you know, making the changes to your blog will only take a few minutes and you will normally see an increase in profits within days if not hours.
If you'd like to know more about this new tool then please click here.
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