Bingo truly is a fantastic game, capable of enticing various different demographics to play on it, from old O.A.Ps to schoolchildren. This much is undeniably true, however we’re not sure we could have ever anticipated the remarkable extent of bingo’s newfound popularity in the 21st century. Online bingo in particular has unlocked a whole new portion of society that loves to play free bingo no deposit – everybody wins!
Of course, we don’t mean that literally, not everybody that plays bingo wins, however pretty much everybody who plays bingo is bound to have a hell of a lot of fun. And if you are genuinely lucky enough to win then some prizes can go upwards of a million pounds! However, on the flip side some prizes can be a lot more funny, let’s take a look at some truly funny bingo rewards.
A cow
Yeah, you heard that one right. In a countryside fair in the United States of America (coincidentally where Edwin S. Lowe first had his idea to make bingo a commercially viable game back in the early 1900s) a woman from New York entered a game of bingo, however we’re not sure she would have ever anticipated the prize that was going to come from it.
The woman was lucky enough to win the first bingo prize of the night, and this turned out to be a huge milking cow! Now, we know what you’re thinking: what good is a milking cow in New York City? Well we don’t know either, and it is safe to say that the woman in question probably didn’t take the cow home with her, although you never know…
Ann Summers is one of the biggest names in erotic lingerie and toys, with stores all across the world that bring in many millions of dollars worth of revenue each and every year. However, back in 2007 they also launched a bingo site called, a slightly strange market to expand into, and one that didn’t bring them much luck.
What it did bring, however, was a variety of online bingo games in which players could win assorted sexy lingerie from the Ann Summers collection, as well as some erotic toys to boot. Imagine winning all of this from one game of bingo! Definitely one of the funnier bingo rewards to be given out.
Bingo club night rewards
Over the last decade bingo club nights have emerged to bring in a whole new demographic to the game, and they have had rampant success in recent times, bringing in a whole load of profit. One of the funniest things about these bingo club nights are the various prizes that are up for grabs.
Of course there are some monetary prizes, however the majority of them end up being things like free drinks. Sometimes you are even given the opportunity to make a friend do something embarrassing as a forfeit! These bingo club nights have put a hilarious 21st century spin on the classic game, and this can be seen extensively with the various prizes on offer.
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