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Stolen Tactics…

Neil Shearing and Michael Cheney’s Stolen Tactics!

How Neil Shearing And Michael Cheney Stole Each Other’s Tactics To Skyrocket Their Product Sales And Affiliate Commissions! …Learn What They Stole From Each Other And Apply The Tactics To Boost Your Profits!

In less than one week (May 2nd through 8th 2006)…
Neil Earned $10,000 in Clickbank Commissions
Michael Made 2,000 Sales Worth $174,087

In this report you’ll hear from both Neil Shearing and Michael Cheney. They’ll tell you, in their own words, how they stole each other’s tactics to boost both their product sales and affiliate commissions. If you’ve ever wanted to get a bigger affiliate commission check or boost your product sales, this report is a must-read.

I first heard of Michael Cheney when he advertised in Allan Gardyne’s Associate Programs Newsletter in March 2006. What I was initially impressed by was the fact that the advert caught my eye and got me to click… that’s unusual… like most people I usually don’t bother reading ads, and even if I read them I hardly ever click on them.

Here’s the ad…

Why has Allan Gardyne become so successful on the Internet?

Because he knows that you love getting great advice without having to pay for it. That’s why I’ve adopted the same philosophy and want to give you 7 internet marketing videos at NO COST TO YOU WHATSOEVER. You will learn the step-by-step methods I use to make $33,487 per month from my sites:

The ad took me straight to a movie where I saw Michael build his credibility from someone who was unknown to me to “expert status” by reporting 3rd party endorsements of him such as an appearance on NBC-Europe and various mentions in quality newspapers and magazines. He then goes on to tell us the money he’s making from Adsense ($16,700 in January 2006!) and Clickbank ($7,179 in January 2006!).

Michael definitely knows how to build credibility and get people interested in what he has to say!

At the end of the movie, which is powerful and professional, he asks you to sign up for further movies… one per day plus one given immediately… by providing your name and email address. That’s a very smart way to get people to opt-in to your list…

First, he had a quality advert in a quality newsletter.

Second, he launched into a professional movie which built his “expert” status and contained valuable information.

Third, he asked for a name and email which he’s much more likely to get than a direct sale.

Fourth, he promises *many* follow-up movies, with one delivered immediately.

I was hooked. It was obvious to me that Michael was someone I should get to know and learn his “secrets”… especially the Adsense ones!

I’ve been around for about 10 years online… I think Michael’s been online longer(!). We both know there aren’t any real “secrets” to making money online… but we also know that there ARE tactics that, individually, we don’t know… tactics that we can learn from others and apply to our online businesses.

What may surprise you is that those “small things” that others are doing that you’re not can be worth tens of thousands of dollars in extra sales or commissions… they can make a huge difference!

I’m always on the look out for people using marketing strategies that I’m not using and seeing if their effective. When you know how these tactics can add massively to your profits, you’d be crazy NOT to be looking for them constantly!

So I struck up a relationship with Michael. He’s a cool guy based in Scotland where I lived for a few years. He helped me with my Adsense earnings and let me preview his upcoming movies. The “tweaks” I used on my pages enabled me to double my earnings and I was very impressed. Those are the kind of “tweaks” I want to know about!

For example, take’s earnings…
First week of March $19.04
First week of April $143.97
First week of May $266.74
(traffic volumes were different during these periods. For confidentiality reasons I can’t reveal the exact traffic numbers)

Can you see the incredible difference in earnings? That’s mainly due to me applying Michael’s recommended tweaks to my Adsense ads in April.

So, I learned that tweaking my Adsense ads paid huge dividends. As Michael Campbell said, in his newsletter…

“I was completely humbled. It turns out that, not only was I putting my AdSense ads in the wrong place, I had them the wrong size and color.”

(Don’t make the same mistake as me and Michael Cambell… apply the tweaks in Adsense Videos to your pages today!)

During the time Michael and I were chatting via email I launched my Insider Rollout Secrets ebook. It had a $10 7-day “early bird” discount and a bonus affiliate commission rate of 70% running for the same limited time. I had a countdown timer on the frontpage showing how long remained for the discount to motivate buyers.

One person who surprised me by doing a big promotion and making a lot of sales was Michael. It turns out he was offering several valuable bonuses to boost sales. They were…

  • Priority Pre-launch Pass to my new $97 product
    Before my new product ‘AdSense Videos’ goes live on sale for $97 and before I tell ANYONE else that it is even ready I will email you a special Priority Pre-Launch Pass that gives you totally fr*e lifetime access to the product. YES, you did read this right!

  • Private invitation to Mr. X’s online Birthday Bash
    Mr. X is the most successful list builder on the Internet and he has given advice to Armand Morin, Joe Vitale, Terry Dean and others. Mr. X has brought together the biggest names in marketing and rolled their advice and some of their top products into one collection. When you buy ‘Insider Rollout Secrets’ I will send you a private invitation to view this collection before I announce it to everyone else on my list in the coming weeks.

Notice that the first bonus is a free copy of “Adsense Videos“… the product that has since sold over 2,000 copies at $87 (the introductory discount price) in a week(!), so this was a truly valuable and unique bonus. Most people who offer bonuses make the mistake of giving away something that’s already available for free online. Don’t fall into that trap. Offer something of true value to really boost your sales.

Of course, it also helped that Michael said my Insider Rollout Secrets was, “one of the most valuable things I have ever read in my ten years online”. :-)

Michael made easily the most sales of my Insider Rollout ebook and was very happy with his 70% commission. In addition to that, he had almost certainly guaranteed that I’d promote Adsense Videos heavily in return… which I did. I took a leaf from Michael’s book and added two valuable bonuses…

* Louis Allport’s brand new ebook… “5 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Adsense Commissions”

* My own 12-minute movie, “What I Learned From Michael’s Adsense Videos”. I estimate the total value of those bonuses is $50… just email me your payment receipt at adsensebonuses AT and I’ll send you to a secret download address.

(the deadline for the bonuses is Tuesday 9th May. You still have time to grab my extra bonuses, but only if you quickly grab a copy of Adsense Videos. At the time I’m writing this you have just 24 hours left.)

I mentioned my offer to my customers, Arm Twister’s discount list and my affiliates in two email broadcasts on Tuesday. Initially I was only offering the bonuses for 48 hours to provide a strong purchase incentive. However, there were SO MANY people buying, I decided I had to allow people to get the bonuses after 48 hours and extended my deadline to coincide with Michael’s price rise on Tuesday 9th May.

I sent a second mailout to my customers and Arm Twister’s on Friday 5th May explaining about the extended deadline. I also mentioned the videos at my blog.

So, my total investment in promoting Michael’s products was…

1: Finding and coordinating the bonuses.

2: Writing email 1 to the customer list and affiliates

3: Writing email 2 to the customer list extending the deadline.

4: Writing a few blog posts.

5: Issuing bonus download details to customers who requested them.

As you can see, that’s not a huge amount of work.

Louis lets me know about his new product each month, so I knew in advance it was going to be about Adsense and perfect as a quality bonus. I recorded my own 10-minute movie on what Michael’s videos had taught me, and how I used that information to make more Adsense money with less traffic.

The results were phenomenal!

… I sent over 3,000 visitors to Michael’s site and each click earned me the equivalent of over $3!

… I personally generated 240 sales for Michael (at time of writing) worth over $20,000 in less than seven days.

… I personally earned over $10,000 in Clickbank commissions from the sales I referred.

… I’ve been at the top of Michael’s Joint Venture partner leaderboard from the launch on Tuesday 2nd May until today, Monday 8th May. Will I be there tomorrow, at the end of the competition, and earn a $495 bonus for winning? I don’t know. What I do know is that I’ve fought off such names as Mike Filsaime, Michael Campbell, Ewen Chia, Joel Comm, Peter Twist, Chris Lee, Simon Coulson and every other JV partner who has promoted the videos… so far!

Those are just staggeringly impressive affiliate data. I haven’t seen anything like that from any previous promotions I’ve done. The reasons for such a successful promotion are many…

1: The product was excellent… as was the sales letter.

2: There was a 7-day discount. Although, Michael doesn’t say how much the price will increase by after the discount ends… a clever twist to a smart tactic.

3: The topic (Adsense) is very hot at the moment and products on it sell well.

4: I adopted Michael’s “extra bonuses” technique and it did phenomenally well. On top of increasing sales, I also got many, many thankyou notes from people who had ordered via my link saying how nice it was of me to offer additional bonuses… which enhanced my reputation with my list. I also got emails from people saying the bonuses had tipped them into ordering. Presumably, without the bonuses, they wouldn’t have ordered and I wouldn’t have got any commission. Also, I got an email from one person saying he’d received other promotions that day for the same product, but ordered using my link for the extra bonuses.

5: The extra bonuses I offered were not “fluff”. The Louis’ Allport product was about earning more from Adsense and my own movie was on what I learned from Michael and how I applied his tips was personal and original. No-one else would be offering the same bonuses as me.

Interestingly, Michael has this to say about how he used ideas I employed during my Insider Secrets Launch to enhance the sales of his upcoming Adsense Videos. I’ll let him say it in his own words…


I first heard of Neil years ago when I was searching around for decent Internet marketing information. I landed on his site and I knew right away that this guy was telling it straight. I have a long-held belief that the Internet boils down to just 2 things and that if you get these 2 things right you ‘get it’.

These 2 things are information and interaction.

People want information that is relevant, valuable and they want it as quickly as possible. They also want interaction (otherwise the Internet is no different to printed media). Neil over-delivers on both the information and interaction front and that’s why I knew that I needed to keep track of what he said and products he brought out.

Many weeks before the launch of AdSense Videos I was personally introduced to Neil and we started getting in touch via email. Back then Neil was about to launch his own product ‘Insider Rollout Secrets’ and he convinced me to promote it to my lists.

I’m SO glad he did because I made a ton of cash and was able to simultaneously show Neil that I knew what I was doing and that he might want to reciprocate and promote AdSense Videos.

On average for that promotion I made over $3 per click!

What Neil has taught me.

Where do I start?! By watching his product launch close at hand and working through his Insider Rollout Secrets product I was able to see a master at work. Some really cool tricks I learned from Neil;

- Offer a special discount rate for a set time period (mine was to reward quick decision makers and first movers)

- Offer affiliates and JV partners a special commission rate for a set time period (mine was 60% for Launch Week)

- There’s a heap of cash to be made from back-end sales (I wasn’t include back-end sales as being essential purchases for people watching the videos but if there were products I knew would help them make more money I recommended them)

- Use a numbered contents overview for large emails (e.g. 1 - LAUNCH DATE, 2 - PROMO TOOLS etc. this might sound obvious or basic but believe me - when you’re contacting affiliates you sometimes have a ton of info to get over to them and doing it like this really helps)

- Neil gave away a free report in the week before his product launch so that he was fresh in people’s minds and affiliates could use it to their lists for the same purposes (I borrowed this entire approach by releasing a teaser video for my list and my JV partners and affiliate before AdSense Videos went live - I got over 3000 optin subscribers BEFORE the site even went live!)

All in all I think Neil and I have fired off each other and helped generate a massive amount of business for one another. That’s why I truly believe that in this “Internet game” to really grow, expand and successful you need to hang around people who are already successful. Givers’ gain - the more people you can help and the more you can help them the more you will get back in return. Hey I’m not a hippy maaan! I’m just saying that as I type this (Monday 8th May - 6 days into my launch) I have sold $174,087 of products and it’s not just down to what I know - it’s also down to what I’ve learned from other people too.

So there you have it… right from the horse’s mouths (hey, I don’t like that analogy much!)… how Neil borrowed some of Michael’s affiliate promotion tactics to promote Adsense Videos and earn $10,000 in commissions AND how Michael borrowed some of Neil’s tactics to amplify the launch of Adsense Videos and generate over 2,000 sales and $174,087 in less than a week!

I hope you found this report useful.

I highly recommend Michael’s Adsense Videos to anyone earning, or wanting to earn, Adsense income…

Original report compiled by “Neil Shearing”. Visit Neil’s blog at:

Join Neil's affiliate Program here.

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